Three Steps to Creating Powerful Productive Relationships

Image from Dreamstimes

Image from Dreamstimes

Have you ever walked away from a meeting or conversation and wondered, “What just happened?” Maybe you had high expectations about this meeting or this conversation and it ended poorly or maybe it was wildly successful and you aren’t quite sure how this happened. Maybe you left wondering “how can I recreate the results of this meeting or this conversation?”

Often we go through our day without being intentional. Our schedules can be jam packed and we don’t realize how taking a few minutes to be conscious in our interactions can create powerful results.

However, when you are clear about your intentions, the results can be astounding!
You lead with clarity, energy and possibility, creating amazing relationships and bottom line results!

To achieve the results you want and have them occur with greater and greater predictability, set powerful intentions for yourself, the participants in the conversation or meeting and for the end result.

HERE’S HOW: [Read more…]