
“When I started coaching with Mary Bryan, I wanted to be twice as productive and find a way to include myself in the equation. I was always robbing myself of the balance and self care that I knew was necessary. As we worked together, I became aware of certain thoughts and beliefs that were limiting my ability to create the results I wanted. Through the use of powerful tools and distinctions, I shifted those beliefs and now I am able to see everything with greater clarity and make choices that fuel and accelerate my success for the company.

Because I’m now much more at ease with myself, my professional and personal relationships are even more gratifying. I am supporting and empowering others to get the results they desire.

In the first 120 days of coaching, I was twice as effective. I cannot remember a time that I have been more productive and working on the most important projects. All of the projects I undertook during that time I finished successfully and efficiently. My coaching ROI (Return on Investment) was 3,991%!

Although I’m much more productive and effective in every way; I’ve accomplished all of this and more without the stress that I had prior to coaching. I no longer spend hours second guessing myself and burning up all of my personal time with work decisions. I have created a more balanced life that includes self care.”

Stephen H. Watson, MBA, CPA, CMA
Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President
The Biltmore Company
Asheville, NC
“America’s Largest Home”

The practice of medicine and leadership are two very different arts. As an emergency physician and surgeon, I had to make immediate, exact decisions to save lives and prevent harm to my patients. As medical director, working with a CEO and leadership team I needed to learn to slow down, collaborate on short, medium and long-term goals. As physician I needed effective solutions, protocols and processes.

As medical director, through my work with Mary Bryan, I learned the need to stop and listen and respect many different styles and approaches and personalities. As a physician I always had the trust and respect of my colleagues. As medical director, I was different than my team mates because I was a physician and I was in danger of being seen by my physician colleagues as a “suit.”

My sessions with Mary Bryan helped me to appreciate these different roles and I learned not only the transition from one role to the other but the art of gliding back and forth as needed. She helped me recognize that I could take time to reflect and listen to my inner self in preparation for each day;this enabled me to be a better listener and to collaborate more effectively with my team mates, and to live a more balanced life while still following my vision and my passion to serve others. It has definitely improved my ability to work with my team and to help others achieve their visions.

The coaching provided by Mary Bryan Roberts was an excellent complement to my medical training and would be a benefit to all physicians as well as medical students in their formative years.

Ellen T. Lawson, M.D.
Medical Director of Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care

Sisters of Mercy Services is a not-for-profit organization providing Urgent Care medical services.  Our leadership team is a dynamic and talented mix of professionals who work together to provide management and leadership to the organization.  While many educational and development opportunities are provided to our leadership, we were seeking an executive coach for those professionals on the leadership team, who wanted to explore the next steps in their intrapersonal professional development.  I was the first of our team to experience Mary Bryan Robert’s coaching and found it really helped me with professional boundaries and accepting that I can’t ‘fix’ everyone as a Human Resources Director, I can only take care of myself and provide guidance and opportunities for others.  Each professional must become self-aware and self-correcting on their own journey towards self-actualization.

When our leadership team members requested some options for development I recommended Mary Bryan without reservation.   She has exceeded expectations and met each professional at their individual stage of development interest.  As a team, I think each of us is more aware of when to professionally engage or disengage from situations recognizing we ultimately cannot ‘control’ another, we can only control ourselves and our reactions to others or circumstances.  This frees you to trust subordinates, peers or the respective team(s) to do the same.  I would highly recommend Mary Bryan Roberts Coaching excellence to other managers, directors, executives seeking advanced professional development.  I also encourage HR professionals who are tasked with team development within their organizations to take a look at her selection of coaching programs.

Belinda Odom
Human Resources Director, SPHR
Sister of Mercy Corporation
Asheville, NC

When I began Mary Bryan’s coaching, I had several unknown barriers that were hindering my performance. Through the coaching I learned that I needed  to get myself straight first, and then I could achieve anything I dreamed.

Cheryl Fore
Manager of Nursing and Radiology
Sisters of Mercy Corporation
Asheville, NC

I have worked with Mary Bryan for about a year now. The transformation has been amazing. It was difficult for me to see the connection between taking care of myself and being successful.   I am on a journey and realize there is work to be done, but I have been given a strong foundation. It’s good to be kind to yourself and realize the power of learning to let some control go.  Team members must take responsibility for their actions, I as their leader am to lead, but will not accept their decisions as my own. We all make our own choices; those choices at times will need guidance.  Through Mary Bryan’s course I have been able to focus on my own health and that has made an impact at work. I have learned the significant relationship between health, wellness and our ability to succeed.   I am not the “General Master of the Universe”!

Barbara Chambers
Director of Access and Information
Sisters of Mercy Corporation
Asheville, NC

My life is amazing. Before coaching, I was facing a personal challenge that was seriously threatening to sabotage my position and reputation. I was able to reach out and use coaching with Mary Bryan Roberts to address the challenge and I not only dealt with the challenge with new eyes but I developed a way of managing my life and shifted my self awareness and that has dramatically improved my professional and personal relationships and for that matter, my life! Her professional style and warmth made me feel very safe to address my issue. I have adopted new ways to deal with stress and skills that I will use probably the rest of my life. Thank you.

Joyce M
Executive VP
San Diego CA

Before coaching with Mary Bryan Roberts in the Future Focused Leadership model, I was productive, but not in a purposeful way. My workload seemed to keep me from moving towards the goals that were most important and rewarding.
Since working with Mary Bryan so much has changed. Each week we worked on the steps that would move me in the right direction for my goals and, to this day, I am still staggered at what I accomplished in six weeks. I have a new awareness of the choices I make and their effect, I recognize my own resistance and push past negative thoughts, and most importantly I have revived personal and powerful connections with the great people on my team.

Beyond that, I have adopted much of what I’ve learned into my everyday life, and with great success, seamlessly blending professional and personal goals. I no longer drift from task to task, instead focusing on high-level planning and executing high-level actions.

Mary Bryan has a way of getting through that I haven’t experienced before; digging deeper and deeper with great insight, to the point that I now truly believe I am either working towards my goals and vision—or I’m moving away from them—helping me see that each small decision can fit the vision, and that anything is possible.

I highly recommend Mary Bryan and the Future Focused Leadership Model for any leader looking to better themselves and improve their effectiveness.

VP, Hospitality Industry
Asheville NC

Coaching unlocked within me a portal to a place that already knew the right questions to ask to find my own answers and produce my best work. By putting simple, but valuable, strategies in place, I increased my level of self-confidence, increased my contributions and enhanced my level of teamwork. I have become my truest self and I am creating the life I dreamed of having. I recommend coaching with Mary Bryan.

Jan B
Asheville NC

Prior to Coaching with Mary Bryan, I was unaware that beliefs from my upbringing were popping up and derailing my efforts to be extremely successful in my business. She skillfully presented new ways of looking at habits and patterns and I got it! Since then, I’ve shifted so much in my personal life as well. I had no idea that my entire life would open up, by being more conscious of what is going on with me and making different choices. If you have an opportunity to work with Mary Bryan, I highly recommend her.

George B Business Owner
Washington DC

What a privilege to have Mary Bryan as my Spiritual Divorce coach. I knew the process was going to be special but I had no idea it would completely transformed my life. I have been studying and practicing many self healing modalities and work on my self for 36 years, so I really consider my self experienced. I know there is always a new level of healing to discover if we can only open our minds and heart for it, but again, I had no idea I would discover total bliss at the end of my 4 months with Mary Bryan and this process.

If you are open to experience the power of love, joy, transformation, happiness and healing of the heart in a completely knew level you are in the right place and in the right hands. Mary Bryan and her high levels of professional standards and commitment to your process takes you to a high level of commitment yourself. I felt safe, supported, understood and, for sure, respected and held accountable for the success of the healing of my heart. As a result of this healing I feel my relationship with my husband has improved, the inner noises that used to judge me are gone, I have lost 30 pounds, and am on my way to losing some more. I have never experienced the feeling of self love I am experiencing today and I could go on and on. Thank you Mary Bryan for hiking the biggest mountain ever with me.

Vera Lopez
Founder and Spiritual Leader of
Spirits of the Earth
