Executive Coaching

Daniel Goleman said:

“Great leaders move us. They ignite our passion and inspire the best in us.”

Being a leader is about seeing the potential in others and supporting them in their growth and development. It requires an ability to be self aware, to use all of your qualities, all of your traits to be fully yourself, which is unique in the world. Your ability to facilitate the growth of your team and your colleagues, and to transform the culture of your organization is in direct proportion to your ability to powerfully lead yourself.

This can sometimes be difficult to do. We all face professional and personal challenges that tax our energy and steal our time. Dealing with chaotic schedules, difficult personalities and situations, economic challenges and communications across multiple levels of leadership can all pose difficulties in our ability to stay focused on the priorities. We can be pulled off center and move into reacting rather than making conscious thoughtful responses.

My coaching provides a confidential space to deepen and expand your self awareness through our use of powerful distinctions, conversations and direct feedback. Each week you determine the strategic actions that will move you toward the results you want. In our coaching relationship you have a thought partner and the time to look at innovative ways to set and accomplish priorities. You create a transformational shift using strategies that will serve and guide you for a lifetime of accomplishment and powerful leadership in your work and in your life.

Who this program is for:

I work with a select number of professionals and individuals who want to create a culture focused on growing others. They inspire themselves and others to accomplish a lot.

Bill Gates said:

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

These are individuals who want to make a huge contribution in the world through their leadership.

They are willing to step into the highest version of who they can be, even when they aren’t certain what that will look like.

I tailor the coaching to meet the specific needs and goals of each person I work with. We all get stuck from time to time; so don’t let that stop you from reaching for your vision.

To discuss the challenges you’re excited and thrilled about and see how we can work together, please contact me.

I offer a laser focused complimentary consultation to assist you in gaining clarity about what you want to accomplish and to see if working together would be a great fit.

I very much look forward to talking with you, email me to set up your appointment.