Your Life, Your Choice

Les Brown said, “The key to success is discovering your innate power and using it daily.”  

The power to make new choices and take new actions is yours every day!

Debbie Ford, in her book “The Right Questions”, says that choice may just be the greatest gift we’ve ever been given.

It’s so exciting to see that our lives today are directly related to the choices, decisions and actions we have taken in the past. Because, if we want to reach our goals and our vision and live the life we desire; all we have to do is to make choices and take actions that are in alignment with what we truly want.

We often wonder, how did I get here? What happened? It’s like we have been on autopilot without connecting our choices and actions to the results we are experiencing. We think, as Debbie says, that small choices don’t matter. EVERY CHOICE MATTERS! We are either moving in the direction we want or in the opposite direction. There are no neutral choices.

Ask The Right Questions on a cork notice board

Making this year the best ever:

  1. Spend a few minutes every day reviewing your vision.
  2. Before making a choice and taking action, ask yourself a powerful question:
    “Will this choice propel me toward an inspiring future or will it keep me stuck in the past?
  3. With this new level of clarity and awareness; make choices that support what you really want.

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