What’s the cost of not letting go?

My Story (one of many )

Let it go led textI actually allowed a ridiculous situation with my former neighbor about garbage cans and garbage day and where to park cars, steal my peace of mind for a year! I’m embarrassed to say it took the city employee saying to me, “Yes, you’re right but do you want to be right or do you want your garbage picked up?  Haul your garbage cans up the street!”

It was genius. It was as simple as letting go. I was the only person suffering and I was actually the cause!

So it can be as simple as a choice to let go or it can be several actions that take place over a period of time.

Unfinished Business such as:

  1. incomplete projects
  2. messy communications
  3. letters or memos that need to be written
  4. apologies that need to be offered
  5. thank you’s to be extended
  6. broken promises
  7. missed deadlines
  8. Add your own to this list

How do these incompletions show up in our lives?

  1. messy cars
  2. messy houses
  3. old clothes that need to be donated, etc
  4. piles of clutter at home and the office
  5. resentments
  6. old stories
  7. grudges
  8. righteousness
  9. hobbies and supplies you haven’t touched in years
  10. Add your own to this list


  1. peace
  2. sleep
  3. time
  4. energy
  5. friendships
  6. working relationships
  7. Add your own to this list

How to create more peace and reclaim energy:

  • Make a list of your unfinished business/incompletions.
  • One by one, list the steps you need to take to clean up each situation.
  • Start cleaning up!
  • Donate, give away or throw away the unnecessary and no longer useful items.
  • Choose to forgive yourself.
  • Write the note, make the phone call, extend the courtesy, thank you or apology. This may take several actions.
  • Or, if it’s no longer important, simply choose to let it go. (like where my garbage can gets picked up)

Experience more Freedom!!!


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