How To Use Frustration as A Valuable Leadership Tool

If Leadership is about being of service, and if the desire to serve flows naturally from the heart (when we allow it), what gets in the way? Lack of self-awareness and lack of presence.

And what gets in our way of really being awake and aware in the moment?

The list could go on forever, but it’s really about how long we stay unaware and disconnected from ourselves. Often it’s a true lack of emotional education about how we work. Unfortunately, we don’t get educated as children in how to follow our frustrations, our sense of overwhelm, and our emotions and to use them as guideposts. Frustrations, when identified, can be an incredible tool like an internal GPS saying LOOK HERE. This is important information! There are so many tools for becoming more present and I offer you a simple way to practice:

Take time to notice (for example, on the way to work) what frustrates you. What really gets you going? Was it the spilled cup of coffee or focusing on the conversation yesterday at work that had you feeling so irritated?

Just notice what causes you to have a sense of stress, irritation or boredom, and make note of it. Most of us cover up these significant guideposts by doing things like gritting our teeth, bearing it out, working harder, shoving it down, over-working, or over-eating. We often go on autopilot, and we’re not present to ourselves. And thus, not present to and for others. It’s like being in a trance. You probably know what it’s like when you arrive at your destination and don’t remember the drive, right? We all do this. It’s part of the human experience. However, we can create the conditions and make the choice to practice being awake and present more often than not.

So, the key step is to just notice when the feeling of boredom or irritation or frustration or a troubling thought arises. It might be a feeling in your belly or a tightening in your jaw. It might be a thought that things will never change. Or I will never get it all done.

It can happen so quickly. So there’s not much more to do, except to notice (without any judgment at all, please)! It’s great to see this and catch yourself. Be happy when you notice this. It means that you are aware and awake. Often, that’s all that it takes to bring us back to the moment, to inhabit our bodies again and to be present.

Your presence is not only requested; your presence is necessary to deliver your talents to serve and inspire others through who you are as a Leader. This is also how you can become more influential.

My passion and purpose is working with you to create astounding bottom line results and to achieve goals that are in alignment with your vision. To uncover and get clear on exactly what you want, contact me here.

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