How are you interpreting the world?

Be careful how you interpret the world. It is like that.Your interpretations either inform and support you or they have you in uncertainty, fear or doubt.

Your interpretation determines the quality of your life!

The way we experience the world is through our senses. We take in the information and then our mind creates words to describe what’s happening based on the data received.

In essence we make up the story, we interpret what our senses bring in. That interpretation is powerful and determines how we feel. This creates our experience of the world around us.

You may not have control over the events and circumstances in your life or the world, but you do have control over what you make that mean and how you choose to feel. Really you and only you can create the quality of your own life through these interpretations. Isn’t that amazing?

Notice the stories you tell yourself about what’s going on “out there” and notice how you feel. What other interpretation might inspire you? Support you? Open your mind to possibilities?

It’s your choice.

P.S. This is a photo of Lizzie, a pet from my past. Lizzie interpreted the world as infinitely interesting. She was always happy and she was an inspiration.

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